Welcome to Da Local

4 kids. 3 dogs. 1 amazing wife. 1 great job. And a huge passion for food. Cooking it, tasting it, growing it. An abiding love and respect for the farmers, artisans and other individuals committed to bringing the best to your table and mine.

Come along for the ride. You can never be quite sure of where we're going, but it will almost always be delicious.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Heading to Soupfest!!

As you follow the wandering ribbon of asphalt that is Highway 400 north from Toronto, you'll notice an exit for Davis Drive/Newmarket/Bradford. Passing under that bridge, you are greeted with one of my favourite vistas in all of Southern Ontario.

Spread out before you is the Holland Marsh; one of the finest growing areas in the province. From celery to carrots, onions to lettuce, tomatoes to cucumbers and so much more, this region grows it all.

With its rich black soil, this 21,000 acre region is home to many dedicated farmers, growing the vegetables that you and I eat every day. However, so many people aren't even aware it exists and how close to home it is.

Everyone is talking about the need to better understand our food, to get closer to it. This weekend, there is an opportunity to do just that. This Saturday, October 4th, the Holland Marsh Growers Association is hosting their annual Soupfest.( hollandmarshsoupfest.ca/ ) Chefs from across the region are gathering to serve soups made from the goodness of the Holland Marsh in the spirit of friendly competition and out of  a desire to show off this beautiful and vital region.

This is the perfect chance to get in touch with where our food comes from and the people who grow it. And you get to eat some pretty incredible soups as well.

Ontario, this is your garden. Come and check it out. 

I'll be at Soupfest this Saturday with my fellow chefs from the Omni King Edward Hotel. Be sure to come by and say hello!

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